A Typical Workshop Looks Like This:
9:00-9:50 Legal Issues
Presented by a divorce attorney
- The divorce process and legal fees
- Protecting yourself legally and financially
- Child custody; Child and Spousal Support
- Avoiding court through mediation and Collaborative Law
9:50 Break
10:00-10:30 Financial Issues
Presented by a financial attorney
- Preparing for divorce
- Dividing property
- The tax consequence of divorce
- Taking care of yourself after divorce
10:30-11:00 Real Estate Issues
Presented by a Real Estate Specialist
- Keeping the house
- Looking for another home
- What does a home really cost
11:00-11:40 Family Issues
Presented by a family counselor
- Dealing with a hostile spouse
- Helping your family cope with the stress of divorce
- Rebuilding self esteem